Ashton Car Wash
Mike Dolezal from Chester moved to our area back in 1996 from Wyoming to help start-up Fremont Telecom. After being in the telephone industry for 37 years, Mike retired last year. Seeing an opportunity and a community need, Mike purchased the Ashton Car Wash in January 2018.
The Ashton Car Wash has 2 self-serve bays. One in an outside bay to accommodate campers, trailers, and other larger vehicles. The other is an automatic car wash. Ashton Car Wash also has vacuum services available. Mike tries to keep the Ashton Car Wash open year-round, but when the temperatures drop it will need to be closed until it warms up again.
If you have any questions or have suggestions on how to make the Ashton Car Wash better, the number to call is displayed at the car wash. mike is very happy to have this opportunity to serve the Ashton community. We at the Ashton Area Chamber of Commerce are glad to have the Ashton Car Wash as one of our new members this year and to have this service available in our community.